Barry H. Block

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Rabbi Barry H. Block

Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

For his contribution to the RCRC, Barry Block is listed in the "Thank You for Your Support" page at the end of RCRC's 2009 Annual Report. He is listed under the Beacon section, as Rabbi Barry H Block. [1]

Temple Beth-El

As a Rabbi, Block has spoken out on the issue of "reproductive choice." While at Temple Beth-El, in San Antonio, Texas, prior to 2007, he gave a sermon titled, "The Morality of Abstinence-Only Sex Education." [2] In May 2012, Rabbi Block announced that he would be taking a two year sabbatical and then retiring as senior rabbi from Temple Beth-El, where he had served for two years. [3] Slight controversy occurred as to whether or not it could be afforded to grant him the title of "Emeritus." [4]

2005 World Summit

In preparation for the 2005 World Summit, to discuss "Religious Reflections on the Millennium Development Goals", a document was prepared titled A Faith-Filled Committment to Development Includes a Commitment to Women's Rights and Reproductive Health. Rabbi Barry H. Block was one of many religious leaders to sign his name. His religion, institution he served at, and country are also listed. [5]

Planned Parenthood

In Fall 2002, Planned Parenthood mentioned Rabbi Barry H. Block on their online edition of Clergy Voices: Volume 7, Issue 1. Rabbi Block is mentioned for having become the chair of Planned Parenthood of San Antonio and South Central Texas at the beginning of 2002, and for raising public awareness, support and money. [6]


  1. Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice: Faith in Advocacy, Advocate for Reproductive Choice, 2009 Annual Report (accessed on August 18, 2012)
  2. "Unitarian Universalists Commemorate 34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision"(accessed on August 19, 2012)
  3. mySA: "Block to take sabbatical, then quit Temple Beth-El(accessed on August 19, 2012)
  4. mySA: "Temple Beth-El Working on Healing"(accessed on August 19, 2012)
  5. UN Non-Governmental Liaison Services: A Faith-Filled Committment to Development Includes a Commitment to Women's Rights and Reproductive Health - "Religious Reflections on the Millenium Development Goals"(accessed on August 19, 2012)
  6. Planned Parenthood: Fall 2002, Clergy Voices: Volume 7, Issue 1 New Board Chair Raises Public Awareness about Clergy Support for Planned Parenthood and Money for His Affiliate(accessed on August 19, 2012)