Helen Smyth
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Helen Smyth
Praised Dame Margaret Sparrow
In a special feature in the May 2011 newsletter of the Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand entitled "Honouring Dame Margaret Sparrow", Helen Smyth, author of "Rocking the Cradle: Contraception, Sex, and Politics in New Zealand", made the following statement honouring the former abortionist and president of ALRANZ:[1]
- "My main contact with Margaret Sparrow came via writing a history of the Family Planning movement in New Zealand. Margaret is well known for her technical knowledge, ability and experience in regards to reproductive possibilities and practices. What particularly stuck me was her appreciation of and tolerance for the human condition. She has the humility and decency to allow, unfailingly, for the much more difficult field of human sexual psychology. Margaret has constantly strived for human rights in her field. She is a champion."